最後參展機會!尚餘少量展位!只剩一個月,萬眾期待的Build4Asia 亞洲創新科技 - 建築、電氣、保安展覽會快將於5月4-6日假香港會議展覽中心盛大舉行。國際供應商及品牌將與15,000名亞洲買家見面洽商,開拓業務!錯過這一次就要等2年了!把握最後機會,立即參展吧!
Last chance to join! Limited space left! In only a month time, Build4Asia - Asia’s Innovative Technology Showcase for the Building, Electrical Engineering and Security Industries will be held from 4-6 May at HKCEC. Suppliers will meet with 15,000 buyers from Asia to expand their business! If you miss this, you will have to wait for another 2 years! Join the show as Exhibitor Now! |