Build4Asia Forum / ESG Asia Forum

Date 日期:8 – 9 May 2024
Venue 地點:Build4Asia Forum, Hall 1E, HKCEC
 Conference Programme
8 May 2024 (Wed) – DAY 1 
10:00 – 11:00Joint Opening Ceremony of Build4Asia and Retail Asia Conference and Expo 2024
Build4Asia Forum | Build4Asia 論壇

11:20 – 11:40

Exhibitor Session
Saving from the Air: Remarkable Energy Retrofit for Existing Buildings by Advanced EC Fan Technology
Mr. Daniel Yiu
Regional Sales Manager, ebm-papst Hong Kong

In order to mitigate the most severe impacts of climate changem it is imperative to achieve a state of net zero carbon emissions globally by the year 2050 which resulted in a growing recognition of the urgent need for sustainable practices in various industries, including architecture and building design. As buildings account for a significant portion of global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, it is crucial to explore innovative solutions that promote energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

This presentation highlights the importance of incorporating energy-efficient ventilation strategies as a fundamental componenet of active sustainable design. By focusing on ventilation systems, we can unlock significant opportunities for enhancing building performance, occupant comfort, and overall environmental sustainability.

11:40 – 12:00

Exhibitor Session
高福水泵持續 “碳” 索商業建築智慧水系統解決方案
技術總監, 高福水泵
*Session will be conducted in Mandarin 活動將以普通話進行高福水泵(亦稱格蘭富水泵)是世界上最大的泵製造商之一, 總部位於丹麥。全新的御水智智能監測平台助力建築節能減碳, 提高效能。
ESG Forum | ESG 亞洲論壇
12:00 – 13:00

GBA Carbon Neutrality Association

Building Net Zero Partnership and Collaboration Together

Mr. Dennis Wu
Founding President, GBA Carbon Neutrality Association


  • Mr. Johnny Yu
    Head of Sustainability, Henderson Land Development
  • Mr. Jasper Chan
    AGM – Group ESG, The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas)
  • Ms. Michelle Au
    Director of Sustainability, China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Ltd
  • Mr. Tsun Chen
    Secretary General, Hong Kong Green Finance Association

The push for net zero is driving all sectors and businesses to come together and deliver on ambitious pledges to reduce their carbon footprint. To catalyze and accelerate Hong Kong and China’s delivery of their carbon neutrality pledge and net-zero transition, industry players in Hong Kong are joining forces for a coordinated response with a broad range of initiatives. In this engaging session, industry leaders and sustainability experts will converge to explore the transformative power of collaboration in achieving the ambitious goal of net zero emissions. Discover how forging strong partnerships across sectors can accelerate the transition to a sustainable future, as we delve into innovative strategies, best practices, and inspiring success stories in green finance and sustainable practices in real estate, energy consumption, and the construction environment. Explore the potential that lies in collective action as we build a greener, more resilient future through collaboration and shared responsibility.

13:00 – 14:00

Hong Kong Association of Energy Engineers (HKAEE)

Safety PV Installation and BIPV introduction
Mr. William C.P. Leung MHKAEE 

Explore the critical safety protocols for PV installations and focus on the innovation of BIPV systems, merging solar efficiency with building aesthetics for a sustainable future. 

14:00 – 15:00

Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings

Forum on Waste Reduction Technology

  • Use the Sewage Space as an Office
    Prof. Andrew Leung
    President of AIIB, St. Francis University
  • Reduce Domestic Waste by Vertical Supermarket
    Dr. Joseph Wong
    City University of Hong Kong
  • AI for Predictive Maintenance for wastage management
    Dr. Ivan Fung
    Hon Chairman of ISHP, Blue Circle Movement
  • Save Energy on HVAC system
    Mr. Jackson Chak
    CEO, Mictronics Company Limited
  • Intelligent Zero-Carbon World & Sustainable Energy Development
    Ir Dr. Alex Hui
    Chairman, AIIB

HKSAR started the Charging for Municipal Solid Waste. This forum aims to introduce some waste reduction technologies to reduce waste. 

15:00 – 16:00

BEAM Society Limited

BEAM Plus Interiors (BI) v2.0 – A Sustainable Built Environment Begins at Green Interior Spaces

  • Ir CS Ho
    General Manager, BEAM Society Limited
  • Ms. Caterina Choi
    Head of Development & Technical Secretariat, BEAM Society Limited

The speakers from BEAM Society Limited will talk about how to integrate green practices into design thinking and planning by adoption of BEAM Plus Interiors v2.0 

16:00 – 16:20

The Hong Kong Registered Contractors Association


  • Mr. Wang Tak Shing, John 王得成先生
    Sales Manager, Channel Systems Limited (member of The Hong Kong Registered Contractors Association)
    銷售經理, 全通系統有限公司 (香港註冊承建商商會會員)
  • Mr. Chung Yat Ming 鐘一銘先生
    Safety Officer, Channel Systems Limited (member of The Hong Kong Registered Contractors Association)
    安全主任, 全通系統有限公司 (香港註冊承建商商會會員) 

16:20 – 16:40

Exhibitor Session
Dr. Lin Dong Na
Project Consultant, Envision Greenwise New Energy International Company Limited
*Session will be conducted in Cantonese 活動將以廣東話進行
本次宣講將探討低碳模組化建築以及環保健康新材料的創新應用成為建築行業的重要趨勢。宣講旨在為聽眾提供更環保及智慧的創新型建築技術與整低碳模組化建築的全面了解, 以及它們對建築行業的革新和未來發展的前景。通過分享實例和探討趨勢, 參與者將獲得洞察力和啟發, 以在相關領域中應用這些創新科技和產品。

16:40 – 17:20

The ESG Consortium

Panel Discussion: “Unlocking Financing Opportunities for SMEs in Construction: Overcoming the Financial Barriers in Pursuit of Sustainability”

Mr. Stanley Zheng
Chief Secretariat Officer, The ESG Consortium


  • Mr. Pascal Siu
    Senior Researcher, Our HK Foundation
  • Mr. Cyrus Cheung
    Partner, ESG Services, PwC
  • Ms. Serena Mak, CESGA, CPA (Australia), FRM
    Executive Director, Sustainable Finance, Institutional Banking Group, DBS Bank (Hong Kong)

*Session will be conducted in Cantonese 活動將以廣東話進行

17:30 – 1800

Guild of Architectural Ironmongers 

Electrically Controlled Fire and Escape Doors to include CE Marking

Mr. Jefferies Pat
Commercial Director, ABLOY

9 May 2024 (Thursday) – DAY 2
Build4Asia Forum | Build4Asia 論壇
 10:30 – 11:30

Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited 

HKGBC – Enhancing Sustainable Built Environment through Innovations and Strategies

  • Dr. Roger Sze To
    Co-Chief Executive & Chief Technology Officer, Aurabeat Technology Limited
  • Mr. Keith Cheng
    Regional Manager, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, ERCO Lighting Pte Ltd
  • Mr. Keith Tsang
    Deputy General Manager, South Star Glass Limited

The HKGBC session brings together industry experts to explore innovations and strategies for enhancing the sustainable built environment through sustainable design, construction, and operation.

11:30 – 12:30

GHM Greater Bay Area Institute of Urban Architecture (Hong Kong) Limited

  • Greetings
    Mr. WONG, Cheung Lam
    Vice-President, GBIUA
  • Report on the Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF) progress
    Mr. Harold Ng, 
    Project Manager, GBIUA
  • Talks about Sound Insulation in Residential Buildings – Acoustic Resilient Floor Mat 
    Ms. TONG Tsz-shan, Viviana
    Environmental Protection Officer, Environmental Protection Department
  • Wrap up and ending 
    Mr. Anthony NG, Chung Kai
    Founding President, GBIUA

*Session will be conducted in Cantonese 活動將以廣東話進行

EPD commissioned a study to find out overseas experiences and technical solution to reduce sound transmission between residential units. The presentation will share study’s outcomes, technical information in designing and applying sound insulation in residential buildings, application in recent residential developments in Hong Kong and an issued practice note on the associated design and application.

12:30 – 12:50

Hong Kong Metal Engineering Contracting Association

Design for Safety in Baseplate Connection
Mr. Derek Lam, Engineering Trade Manager
HILTI (Hong Kong) Limited

14:00 – 14:20

Exhibitor Session
Smart Robotics: The New Vanguard in the Security Industry
Ms. Jazzy Wong
CEO, Tobot Solution Limited

  • How Smart Robotics Tackle Present Security Industry Issues
  • Cutting-Edge Patrol Robotics Technology and Applications
  • The Future Trajectory of Smart Robotics in Hong Kong Security

14:20 – 14:40

Exhibitor Session
Introducing AHRI and Related Standards Certification Program to Air Side Equipment

Mr. Bridge Xue
Vice President, Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute AHRIAHRI is the trade association representing manufacturers of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, commercial refrigeration (HVACR), and water heating equipment. Knowing AHRI through certification, standards, advocacy, and analytics programs. 
Build4Asia Awards
15:00 – 18:00

Build4Asia Awards 2024 Presentation Ceremony


Supporting Associations:


,Mr. Anthony NG, Chung Kai, 

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