
Asian Securitex Conference 2020
亞洲安防會議 2020

Security Technology & Trends: Opportunities & Threats in Asia
亞洲安全科技與趨勢 ︰機遇與威脅

The soaring cyber, infrastructure and physical risks have thrust security issues into the spotlight. Supported by the Hong Kong Police Force and other key international security associations, Asian Securitex Conference will explore modern trends and technologies to help stakeholders assess their vulnerabilities, modify response protocols and manage risks ahead. A wide range of topics such as cybercrime, insider threats, human assets, data ethics, etc., will be covered to offer audience a comprehensive overview of Asia’s security market.

隨著網絡、基礎建設及人身安全隱憂日益加深,區内安全問題備受社會關注。亞洲安防會議邀請了香港警務處及多個國際保安協會探討最新科技及趨勢,助持份者偵察安全漏洞,完善應變機制, 防範未然。 會議涵蓋網絡犯罪、內部威脅、人力資產、數據道德等多個熱門議題,帶領觀衆深入亞洲安全體系。

CPD Points Available!

Date 日期 :11 Nov 2020 (Wednesday) |  2020年11月11日 (星期三) 
Time 時間 :09:00 – 17:00
Venue 地點 :Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Hall 1E

*All talks will be conducted in English only.

Conference Fee 會議費用 :

 Members of Organisations of Advisory Panel
Early-bird rate 早鳥優惠:
(until 30 Oct 2020)
Standard rate 標準費用:港幣HK$1,000港幣HK$1,400

STEP 步驟 1


Pre-register / Login as Build4Asia Visitor 登記參觀 / 登入賬戶


STEP 步驟 2


Choose Event Registration after registering as visitor 成功登記參觀後,點選活動登記


STEP 步驟 2


Select the session(s) you would like to attend 選擇場次(可多選)



Conference Programme

9:00 – 9:30Registration & Networking
9:30 – 9:45Welcome Remarks & Keynote Speech
Mr Stephen Yip, BBS, MH, JP
Vice-Chairman, Security and Guarding Services Industry Authority (SGSIA)
9:45 – 10:20The Latest Cyber Security and Technology Crime Trend
Mr Tyler Chan
Inspector of Police, Hong Kong Police Force – Cyber Security & Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB)
10:30 – 11:00Build4Asia 2020 Opening Ceremony
11:00 – 11:20Refreshment & Networking Break
11:20 – 11:55Safe Cities: Terrorism Readiness and Response
Mr Peter Morgan
Director, Crisis Avert Limited
11:55 – 12:30Tech & Manpower: Security Planning for Emergency Response
Mr Peter Messervy
Director, Group Security, China Light & Power
12:30 – 13:00Security Cloud: An Efficient and Cost Effective Tool for Managing Security Personnel in Hong Kong 
Mr Johnny Ho
CEO, Johnny’s Group & Chairman, Chamber of Security Industry
13:00 – 14:30Lunch
14:40 – 15:15Enhanced Air Cargo Security
Mr Francis Ng
G4S Secure Solutions (Hong Kong) Limited
15:15 – 15:50Data Ethics / Ethical Risks During Digital Transformation
Mr Tim Virtue
Founder, TechView Partners
15:50 – 16:15Refreshment & Networking Break
16:15 – 16:55Panel Discussion: Challenges to the Private Security under the Pandemic Crises?
Mr Bruce Lee, Chairman, International Professional Security Association (Hong Kong)
Mr Johnny Ho, CEO, Johnny’s Group & Chairman, Chamber of Security Industry
Mr Peter Messervy, Director, Group Security, China Light & Power
Mr Tim Virtue, Founder, TechView Partners
16:55 – 17:00Closing Remarks
Mr Chris Wright
Chairman, Asian Securitex Conference 2020 Advisory Panel & Chapter Chair, ASIS International Hong Kong Chapter



Conference Advisory Panel












Asian Securitex Conference 2020
亞洲安防會議 2020

Security Technology & Trends: Opportunities & Threats in Asia
亞洲安全科技與趨勢 ︰機遇與威脅

The soaring cyber, infrastructure and physical risks have thrust security issues into the spotlight. Supported by the Hong Kong Police Force and other key international security associations, Asian Securitex Conference will explore modern trends and technologies to help stakeholders assess their vulnerabilities, modify response protocols and manage risks ahead. A wide range of topics such as cybercrime, insider threats, human assets, data ethics, etc., will be covered to offer audience a comprehensive overview of Asia’s security market.

隨著網絡、基礎建設及人身安全隱憂日益加深,區内安全問題備受社會關注。亞洲安防會議邀請了香港警務處及多個國際保安協會探討最新科技及趨勢,助持份者偵察安全漏洞,完善應變機制, 防範未然。 會議涵蓋網絡犯罪、內部威脅、人力資產、數據道德等多個熱門議題,帶領觀衆深入亞洲安全體系。

CPD Points Available!

Date 日期 :11 Nov 2020 (Wednesday) |  2020年11月11日 (星期三) 
Time 時間 :09:00 – 17:00
Venue 地點 :Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Hall 1E

*All talks will be conducted in English only.

Conference Fee 會議費用 :

 Members of Organisations of Advisory Panel
Early-bird rate 早鳥優惠:
(until 30 Oct 2020)
Standard rate 標準費用:港幣HK$1,000港幣HK$1,400

STEP 步驟 1


Pre-register / Login as Build4Asia Visitor 登記參觀 / 登入賬戶


STEP 步驟 2


Choose Event Registration after registering as visitor 成功登記參觀後,點選活動登記


STEP 步驟 2


Select the session(s) you would like to attend 選擇場次(可多選)



Conference Programme

9:00 – 9:30Registration & Networking
9:30 – 9:45Welcome Remarks & Keynote Speech
Mr Stephen Yip, BBS, MH, JP
Vice-Chairman, Security and Guarding Services Industry Authority (SGSIA)
9:45 – 10:20The Latest Cyber Security and Technology Crime Trend
Mr Tyler Chan
Inspector of Police, Hong Kong Police Force – Cyber Security & Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB)
10:30 – 11:00Build4Asia 2020 Opening Ceremony
11:00 – 11:20Refreshment & Networking Break
11:20 – 11:55Safe Cities: Terrorism Readiness and Response
Mr Peter Morgan
Director, Crisis Avert Limited
11:55 – 12:30Tech & Manpower: Security Planning for Emergency Response
Mr Peter Messervy
Director, Group Security, China Light & Power
12:30 – 13:00Security Cloud: An Efficient and Cost Effective Tool for Managing Security Personnel in Hong Kong 
Mr Johnny Ho
CEO, Johnny’s Group & Chairman, Chamber of Security Industry
13:00 – 14:30Lunch
14:40 – 15:15Enhanced Air Cargo Security
Mr Francis Ng
G4S Secure Solutions (Hong Kong) Limited
15:15 – 15:50Data Ethics / Ethical Risks During Digital Transformation
Mr Tim Virtue
Founder, TechView Partners
15:50 – 16:15Refreshment & Networking Break
16:15 – 16:55Panel Discussion: Challenges to the Private Security under the Pandemic Crises?
Mr Bruce Lee, Chairman, International Professional Security Association (Hong Kong)
Mr Johnny Ho, CEO, Johnny’s Group & Chairman, Chamber of Security Industry
Mr Peter Messervy, Director, Group Security, China Light & Power
Mr Tim Virtue, Founder, TechView Partners
16:55 – 17:00Closing Remarks
Mr Chris Wright
Chairman, Asian Securitex Conference 2020 Advisory Panel & Chapter Chair, ASIS International Hong Kong Chapter



Conference Advisory Panel








