Privacy Policy
The organiser of Build4Asia has merged with UBM and is now known as UBM HKES.
UBM plc is the largest pure-play B2B Events organiser in the world. In an increasingly digital world, the value of connecting on a meaningful, human level has never been more important. At UBM, our deep knowledge and passion for the industry sectors we serve allow us to create valuable experiences where people can succeed. At our events people build relationships, close deals and grow their businesses. Our 3,750+ people, based in more than 20 countries, serve more than 50 different sectors – from fashion to pharmaceutical ingredients. These global networks, skilled, passionate people and market-leading events provide exciting opportunities for business people to achieve their ambitions.
For more information, go to www.ubm.com; for UBM corporate news, follow us on Twitter at @UBM, UBM Plc LinkedIn
Please visit www.ubm.com/global-reach/UBM-Asia for more information about our presence in Asia.
We, UBM HKES Ltd, take individual privacy seriously. This Statement explains our policies and practices. We respect your privacy and we will use our reasonable endeavour to:
- to implement computer, physical and procedural safeguards to reasonably protect the security and confidentiality of the personal data we collect;
- to limit the personal data collected to the minimum required to provide better service;
- to permit only properly trained, authorized employees to access personal data;
- not to disclose your personal data to external parties unless you have agreed, we are required by law or any lawful request of any enforcement agencies or we have previously informed you.
1. Information collection
In order to provide better service to you and to fulfil the purposes set out in the next paragraph, we may collect certain information when you register with us or communicate with us. In the process, we may also collect personal information of individual contact persons of companies or their employees. As stated in the registration form, some of the requested information is mandatory and some of them you may provide voluntarily. If specific mandatory information is requested but not supplied, we may be unable to provide the requested service. We only retain personal data for so long as it is necessary for fulfilling the purposes set out in the next paragraph.
2. Use of information
The purposes for which information may be used by us include:
processing applications for exhibiting at or visiting our trade fairs
facilitating and enhancing our operations by incorporating the personal data into our database and conducting analysis, research and auditing based on the personal data
promoting and notifying you of our trade fairs in Hong Kong and around the world, and events or trade fairs organised by our affiliates and joint venture partners.
distributing publications and research materials of our company
marketing our services or products
if necessary, facilitating legal proceedings, including collecting overdue amounts
Direct Marketing
We may use your personal data, including your name, email address and physical address to conduct direct marketing in relation to the promotion of and invitation to our trade fairs in Hong Kong and around the world, and events or trade fairs organised by our affiliates and joint venture partners, as well as the promotion of our services via fax, email, direct mail, telephone and other means of communication, or send e-newsletters to you.
We will not so use your personal data unless we have received your consent to the said intended use. You may choose not to receive promotional materials by simply telling us through the below contact details, and we will cease to do so, without charge.
3. Disclosure / Transfer of Data
We will keep the personal data we hold confidential but may provide or transfer the personal data to:
• our agents, advisers, auditors, contractors, and service providers in connection with our operations or services for facilitating and enhancing our operations and conducting analysis, research and auditing based on the personal data
• our overseas offices, affiliates, joint venture partners, which are also exhibition organisers, for the purpose of conducting direct marketing in relation to the promotion of and invitation to our trade fairs in Hong Kong and around the world
• persons to whom we are required to make disclosure under applicable laws in or outside Hong Kong
Provision of data for direct marketing with in UBM
Please note that we intend to provide the personal data we collected, including your name, email address and physical address to our overseas offices, affiliates, joint venture partners, which are also exhibition organisers, for use in direct marketing in relation to the promotion of and invitation to their trade fairs and events. We will not so provide your personal data for the said purposes unless we have received your written consent to the aforesaid intended provision.
4. Cookies
When you browse our website, cookies may be stored in your computer’s hard drive. We use cookies to personalise your use of our website and to operate the service areas. You have a choice not to accept cookies, but if you do certain functionality may become unavailable.
5. Security
In general, your Personal Data is kept confidential and is only accessible by authorised personnel. Personal data stored electronically are password-protected. Encryption technology is used on our secured web areas. We recommend that you do not divulge your User Login Name and Password to anyone. Our personnel will never ask you for your User Login Name and Password in an unsolicited phone call or in an unsolicited e-mail. Remember to sign out of your Account and close your browser window when you have finished your session with the Website. You are responsible for all activities that occur under your User Account and Password.
6. Hyperlinks
Our websites may include links to external sites, including sites of members, third parties and “co-branded” sites. Links to external sites do not imply any endorsement of such sites (or any products or services offered thereon) by us or any warranty or guarantee of any information provided thereon. We disclaim and exclude any responsibility or liability for any external site for which a link is provided and this Privacy Policy shall not apply to any such site. Please refer to the privacy policies of the other websites.
7. Changes
Any changes to this Privacy Policy Statement will be posted on this webpage and effective immediately on the posting date.
8. Transfer of Data Overseas
We will generally hold your data on our servers in Hong Kong. However, we may transfer it to our overseas offices elsewhere in the world or to any of the people listed at paragraph 3 above, who may be located elsewhere.
9. Your consent and rights
By checking the appropriate box, you consent to the collection and use of your personal data as outlined in this Statement, including the use and provision of your personal data for direct marketing.
Under the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, individuals have the right:
• to check whether we hold personal data about you and to access such data
• to require us to correct inaccurate data
• to ascertain our policies and practices in relation to personal data and the kind of personal data held by us.
• Please send requests to access or correct data, to cease communications, and questions or complaints to:
17/F China Resources Building,
26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2827 6211
E-mail: [email protected]
We may charge a reasonable fee for processing a data access request.
If there is any conflict between the Chinese and English versions of this Statement, the English version prevails.
Build4Asia主辦單位已與博聞公司(UBM plc)合併,並改名為UBM HKES。
博聞公司(UBM plc) 是全球領先的商貿展覽會主辦商,並已於倫敦股票交易所上市。在現今科技主導的時代,展覽會為我們提供了實際見面及建立緊密聯繫的最有效最難能可貴的平台。在UBM,我們專業的團隊憑著深厚的知識和熱情,於不同領域上成功助客人創造更多非同凡響的體驗。UBM於25個主要城市設立42個辦事處及聘用1,600名員工。UBM的產業覆蓋多個市場領域,包括150個主要活動、28本專業刊物及18個線上產品。我們現在擁有更佳的資源,能夠提供您所熟悉的優質商業平台。
如欲了解更多,請瀏覽www.ubm.com ;如欲收取UBM最新消息,歡迎你關注我們Twitter「@UBM」或LinkedIn「UBM Plc」。
如欲了解更多博聞公司(UBM plc)於亞洲的業務,歡迎瀏覽 www.ubm.com/global-reach/UBM-Asia
本公司UBM HKES非常重視個人私隱。此聲明解釋本公司的政策及實務。
- 實行電腦、實地及程序上的保護措施,以合理地保障本公司所收集個人資料的保安及機密性
- 將所收集的個人資料局限在提供更佳服務所需的最低範圍
- 只准許經適當培訓、授權的僱員接觸個人資料
- 不會向外界第三方披露閣下的個人資料,但如屬經閣下同意、本公司在法律上被規定或任何執法機構的合法要求或本公司之前已通知閣下的披露則除外。
- 收集資料
為了向閣下提供更佳服務並履行下一段所列明的目的,本公司可能在閣下向本公司辦理登記手續或與本公司通訊時收集若干資料。在此過程中, 本公司亦可能收集有關公司個別聯絡人士或其僱員等個人資料。如登記表格上所述,有些要求的信息是強制性的,其中有些是可以自願提供的。如未能提供本公司所要求的特定強制性的資料,本公司可能無法提供閣下所要求的服務。本公司只在有必要的期間內為履行下一段所列明的目的保留個人資料。
- 使用資料
- 披露/資料轉讓
請閣下注意,本公司有意將所收集的個人資料包括閣下的姓名,電郵以及地址提供給本公司的海外辦事處,附屬公司及/或業務合夥人 (亦是其他展覽的主辦機構),為展覽會以及其他活動的宣傳及邀請作直接促銷。除非本公司收到閣下書面同意上述的條文, 否則本公司將不會提供閣下的個人資料至所提及的用途。
- 曲奇檔案
- 保安
一般而言,閣下的個人資料將被保密,且僅可由獲授權人士觸及, 個人資料儲存是有密碼保護, 而在本公司所保障的網頁範圍內會使用加密技術。本公司建議閣下不要向任何人透露閣下的使用者登入名稱和密碼。本公司的人員永不會以未經請求的電話或未經請求的電郵詢問閣下的使用者登入名稱和密碼。閣下於接通及使用本網站及服務完畢後,謹記登出帳戶和關閉閣下的瀏覽視窗。閣下須就通過閣下的使用者帳戶和密碼所發生的一切活動負責。
- 超文本連結
本公司網站可能包含外部網站的連結,其包括其他成員公司之網站、第三方和“聯合品牌”的網站。對外部網站的連結並不代表本公司對該網站(或其提供之任何產品或服務)作出之任何認可,及不代表本公司對該網站提供的任何信息作出任何擔保或保證。本公司聲明並排除任何外部網站的任何責任, 而本公司之私隱政策並不適用於該外部網站。請參閱其他網站的私隱政策。
- 更改
當本公司進行私隱政策聲明之更新時,有關更改將刊登於此網頁, 並即時生效。
- 海外資料轉移
- 閣下的同意及權利
+852 2804 1500